In this episode of Bloody Angola, Jim explores the life of Serial Killer Felix Vail, a figure linked to the oldest cold case in history where the killer was sentenced to prison Jim delves into Vail's tumultuous upbringing and unpack details...
In this episode of Bloody Angola, Jim explores the life of Serial Killer Felix Vail, a figure linked to the oldest cold case in history where the killer was sentenced to prison Jim delves into Vail's tumultuous upbringing and unpack details surrounding his wife Mary’s tragic demise, as well as the mysterious disappearances of (2) subsequent partners.
#bloodyangola #podcast #prison #felixvail #louisiana #louisianastatepenitentiary
02:46 Early Life and Marriage
07:52 The Mysterious Disappearance of Mary
12:32 Investigation and Arrest 13:56 Life in California
15:59 New Relationships and Confessions
18:15 The Impact of Bill's Revelation
27:18 Marriages and Escalating Violence
31:17 Annette Craver: A New Victim
39:50 Patterns of Disappearance
45:47 Arrest and New Developments
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