Woody is stuck in the snow on the way back from Wisconsin, but it did not stop Jim from making sure you got your Bloody Angola fix for this week! He broke a previously unreleased episode from the Patreon vault out of jail!
In this episode of Bloody Angola: A True Crime Podcast by Woody Overton and Jim Chapman we bring you inside the hunt for the River Parishes Serial Killer Daniel Blank who terrorized the Parishes of Ascension, St James, and St John Parish in 2007 & 2008.
Woody Overton and Jim Chapman of Bloody Angola Podcast tell the story of Clifford Etienne and the Louisiana Prison Boxing Program at Louisiana State Penitentiary and other prisons. #cliffordetienne #theblackrhino #bloodyangol...
Kelly Jennings joins Woody Overton and Jim Chapman for yet another appearance and they discuss Angola prisoner Miguel Velez who in the eighties was hired to kill drug runner Barry Seal by Cocaine King Pablo Escobar. #Barrysea...
First it was the Red Hat, brutal.....Then upon the closure of the Red Hat Cell Block came its replacement, even more brutal was the notorious Camp J. Closed in 2018 forever, Camp J was feared by even the convicts of Death Row...