In this episode of “Bloody Angola,” Jim Chapman discusses the tragic case of Genore Guillory, who was murdered in 2000 in Clinton, Louisiana. As the investigation unfolds chilling circumstances surrounding her murder over a conflict involving a goat...
In this episode of “Bloody Angola,” Jim Chapman discusses the tragic case of Genore Guillory, who was murdered in 2000 in Clinton, Louisiana. As the investigation unfolds chilling circumstances surrounding her murder over a conflict involving a goat and a life insurance policy are revealed, setting the stage for the incarceration in Bloody Angola of several suspects involved in her death.
#genoreguillory #louisianastatepenitentiary #angola #podcast #prison #crime #criminal #truecrime
04:26 The Gruesome Discovery
09:36 Unraveling Genore’s Life
13:24 The Stalking Police Officer
19:20 The Shady Donnie Fisher
23:33 The Arrest of the Skippers
24:53 The Pursuit of John Beiaillo
25:47 The Mastermind Johnny Hoyt
33:22 Shocking Revelations in Jail
36:11 A New District Attorney
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