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The Justice Department’s Investigation into the Louisiana State Police

In this episode, Jim explores the nearly 3 year investigation initiated by the United States Justice Department into the Louisiana State Police (LSP) regarding numerous allegations of excessive force.

05:42 Investigation Results Released
10:14 Background on Louisiana State Police
15:27 Findings of the Investigation
16:43 Understanding Excessive Force
19:54 Use of Tasers
22:44 Unreasonable Force Without Warning
28:43 Use of Force on Non-Threatening Individuals
33:51 Poor Supervision and Accountability
38:03 Under-Reporting of Use of Force
41:00 Pursuit Practices and Their Consequences
43:35 Training and Aggressive Behavior
45:54 Failure to Investigate Complaints


#louisianastatepolice #louisiana #investigation #justicedepartment #podcast #bloodyangola